Page 64 - Sagar Ratna
P. 64

               yeesue®eeue keÀer                  efnboer


               HetJe&          -        EAST                   veer®es          -        BELOW

               Heef½ece        -        WEST                   meeceves         -        IN FRONT OF
               GÊej            -        NORTH                  Heerís           -        AT THE BACK

               oef#eCe         -        SOUTH                  ceO³e, yeer®e    -        CENTRE
               Deesj           -        SIDE                   Yeerlej          -        IN

               oeSb            -        LEFT                   yeenj            -        OUT
               yeeSb           -        RIGHT                  ieesue           -        CIRCLE

               Thej            -        ABOVE

                                                  Mejerj kesÀ Debie

               Mejerj           -       BODY                   ieo&ve           -       NECK
               efmej            -       HEAD                   íeleer           -       CHEST

               cegKe            -       FACE                   keÀcej           -       WAIST

               veekeÀ           -       NOSE                   neLe             -       HAND
               DeeBKe           -       EYE                    peeBIe           -       THIGH
               keÀeve           -       EAR                    ìeBie            -       LEG

               cegBn            -       MOUTH, FACE            Heerþ            -       BACK

               oeBle            -       TEETH                  Gbieueer         -       FINGER
               peerYe           -       TONGUE                 veeKetve         -       NAIL
               neWþ             -       LIP                    yeeue            -       HAIR

                                              oes Meyo Jeeues Jeeke̳e

               Heeveer ueeDeees   -     Bring Water           GOej ®euees      -        Go There
               HeÀue KeeDees    -       Eat Fruit             FOej DeeDees     -        Come Here

               Iej peeDees      -       Go Home               keÀece keÀjes    -        Do the work
               cegBn osKees     -       See the face          Heeþ Heæ{es      -        Read the Lessons

               me®e yeesuees    -       Speak the truth       DeeBKe Keesuees   -       Open the eyes
               meyesjs Gþes     -       Rise up in the        Kele efueKees    -        Write the Letter
                                        morning               Ieessæ[e Kejeroes   -     Purchase the

               ®ee³e efHeDees   -       Drink Tea                                       Hours
               ®eghe jnes       -       Keep Quiet            peuoer Yeeiees   -        Run Quickly

               Hewmee oes       -       Give Money

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