Steel cutting ceremony of the Next Generation Missile Vessels (NGMV) for Indian Navy was held on 16 Dec 2024 at Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi. Commodore S Parthiban, Warship Production Superintendent, Warship Overseeing Team (WOT), Kochi conducted the steel cutting of first steel plate for Ship No. BY-531. Shri KN Sreejith, Director (Operations), Shri Rajesh Gopalakrishnan, Executive Director (Ship Repairs) Shri S Harikrishnan, Executive Director (Shipbuilding) of CSL and Senior officials of Indian Navy & CSL, representatives from the DNV Classification society, officers, supervisors and workmen of CSL were also present for the ceremony. The steel cutting ceremony is one of the initial milestones in the vessel construction process.
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), signed the contract for construction and supply of six (06) Next Generation Missile Vessels (NGMV) for Indian Navy on 30 Mar 2023. The order value for these six (06) vessels is ?9804 Crores. Delivery of the first ship will be in March 2027 and remaining in subsequent years.
This marks CSL’s entry into construction of advanced weapon intense platforms for Indian Navy. The ships are envisaged as high-speed vessels with formidable array of weapon and sensors including Surface to Surface Missile system, Anti-Missile Defence System, Air Surveillance and Fire Control Radars. The primary role of the NGMV would be to provide offensive capability against enemy warship, merchantmen and land targets. These ships will be capable of conducting Maritime Strike Operations, Anti Surface Warfare Operations and would be a potent instrument of sea denial for enemy ships especially at choke points. In defensive role, these ships would be employed for Local Naval Defence operations and Seaward Defence of Offshore Development Area. The vessels will also be equipped with highly advanced state-of-the-art integrated platform management systems, propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery, power generation and distribution machinery and damage control machinery etc. The ship will have a complement of total 80 personal and having a maximum speed of 33 knots.