

Are you finding it difficult to access/navigate through the content/pages of this website? This section attempts to help you have a pleasant experience while browsing this website.

Viewing Information In Various File Formats

The information provided by this website is available in various formats, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), word, and also in html format. To view the information properly, your browser need to have the required plug-ins or software. For example, the pdf reader software is required to view the pdf format document. In case your system does not have this software; you can download it from the internet for free. The table lists the required plug-ins needed to view the information in various file formats.

Document Type. Plug-in for Download
Word Files Word file logoWord ViewerDownload Microsoft office
Excel Files Excel file logoExcel ViewerDownload Microsoft Excel
PowerPoint Presentations PPT file logoPowerPoint ViewerDownload Micosoft Power Point

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